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About NTCC

Meet Leadership

Our Mission


WIN the lost, GROW believers, and IMPACT the world.


Our Beliefs


We believe in one God, existing as the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. We believe God is the creator - sustainer of the world, the universe and everything in it. We believe Jesus is the son of God, and was born of the Virgin Mary. We believe Jesus lived a sinless life, and He died on the cross for our sins. He conquered death and rose on the third day to sit on the right hand of God, the Father. We believe Jesus will return to claim those who have come to know Him as their Savior.


To be a Christian, one must believe and confess that Jesus Christ is the Son of God whom God has raised Him from the dead (Romans 10:9), that he/she confess they are a sinner (1 John 1:9 & Romans 3:23), that he/she must repent of their sins (Acts 2:38), that he/she put their faith and trust in the blood of Jesus shed on the cross (Colossians 2:13-15 & Galatians 2:16) believing it purifies them of their sin (1 John 1:7) and makes them holy in the sight of God the Father (Romans 5:1), and be baptized in obedience to Jesus' command (Matthew 3:15 & Mark 16:16) for the forgiveness of their sins and to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38).


Our History


New Testament Christian Church began on April 30, 1978, at the Old Baptist Church, in downtown on Roanoke Ave. in Roanoke Rapids. We, then, purchased the old clinic building on Jackson Street and built the sanctuary and fellowship hall, which was completed around 1980 to 1981. Along the way, the church began to support missions at home and abroad. The church has been able to expand its current mission to a number of 12. In 1990, we started a Teen Youth program, which has since developed into a Kindergarten through college life group program.

NTCC Staff

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Daniel West

Senior Pastor


April Garvey



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Trey West

NTCC Online & Worship Leader

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Phyllis Edmonds


NTCC Elders


Jimmy Baugham

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Steve Madison

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Toby Neville


Jimmy Tickel

NTCC Deacons

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Ron Baird

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Woody Clary

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Trey West

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Mike Camp


Todd Lockamon

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Jody Williams

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Brandon Carlisle

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Andy McDermott

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Kim Carlisle

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Mike Melvin

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